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Electric furnace manufacturers introduce the influence of vacuum furnace temperature output

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Electric furnace manufacturers introduce the influence of vacuum furnace temperature output

Release date:2020-03-06 Author: Clicks:

According to the electric furnace manufacturer, according to the temperature field distribution equation, the distribution of the entire temperature field of the internal heating vacuum smelting furnace mainly depends on the binding of several aspects. That is, the uniform thermal conductivity of the material enters, the uniform density P of the material, and the uniform ratio of thermal melting c. . The factors that affect the temperature transfer of the vacuum furnace include the following 3 points:

①The intensity of the heat element in the furnace is roaring. In this plan, the internal heat source method is the first choice. The internal heat source generates heat, and the temperature is transferred from the inside to the outside. Its strength directly affects the temperature distribution in the furnace. It can be seen from the formula (5) that when the internal heat source is higher, the temperature at a certain point is higher, and the distribution area (r) of a certain temperature difference (△T) is larger. Therefore, in the process of practical production, the temperature distribution in the furnace can be controlled by controlling the surface load of the furnace core, that is, the furnace core power.

②The distance between the reaction material and the furnace core (△r), when the power of the furnace core must be maintained, that is, the strength of the internal heat source must be maintained. . The closer to the furnace core, the higher the temperature, the better the reaction progress.


③The heat dissipation function of the charge, the better the heat dissipation function of the charge, the faster the internal heat is lost outwards, and the heat is easily lost outside the reaction charge, causing a certain point of temperature drop. However, if the heat dissipation function of the reaction material is not good, it will be beneficial to the accumulation of heat, so that the heat transfer time will be prolonged, and it will be beneficial to the reaction material to absorb the heat and the reaction proceeds to a certain point of temperature. It should be carried out under high vacuum conditions (4~13Pa), and the reaction temperature is around 1200℃. Electric furnace manufacturers indicate that the core temperature can reach the required value quickly. Therefore, the length of the reaction time depends on the thickness of the reaction material, that is, the periphery of the furnace core. The distance between the reactant and the insulation layer of the furnace body. The power supply time can be controlled by planning the furnace body standard.




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